Who counts? The health metric narratives of venezuelan migrants on the Colombian border
Migration, Health metrics, Quantification, Exclusion, Health, Qualitative researchAbstract
Colombia has been a destination country of Venezuelan migration originated by the socio-political situation of the neighboring country. One of the needs to respond to this crisis is the collection of data to make visible and monitor the health conditions of this population. Based on a qualitative study centered on interviews and ethnographic observation, the article focuses on characterizing the different inclusion and exclusion dynamics in the production of health data of the migrant population in Cúcuta, a Colombian-Venezuelan border territory. Based on the narratives of various actors who work directly at the territorial level in the collection, analysis and use of health data of the migrant population, the article problematizes the construction of the category of “migrant” within the metrics, revealing what is visible and what is ignored in the socio-technical process behind the construction of these data.
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