Mobility to work in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo using data from the Demographic Census of 2010




Commuting, Minimum Spanning Tree, São Paulo Metropolitan Region


The aim of the study is to understand the profile of commuters, considering the heterogeneity of this type of displacement, which is associated with socioeconomic inequalities in urban centers. Thus, the analysis begins with the characterization of the RMSP, dividing it in contiguous homogenous groups of municipalities using the Minimum Generating Tree. The municipalities were classified in five homogenous and contiguous groups. The basis of the paper is the hypothesis that there are differences in commuting dynamics according to a socioeconomic segregation of the metropolitan space. Then, logistic models compared commuters from noncommuters in each of these groups. These two groups of individuals differed in several features. In order to identify specificities of the flows from each homogenous group, multinomial logistic models were used to determine different commuting profiles depending on the commuter’s destiny, and results were associated with the existence of socioeconomic spatial inequalities in the São Paulo metropolis. Public policies focused on urban mobility in Greater São Paulo should not only consider the specificities of the territory, but also aspects related to schooling attainment, women’s participation in the labor market and family arrangements.


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Author Biographies

Verônica Lameira, UFSJ

Verônica Lameira é doutora em Economia pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Professora de Economia na Universidade de São João del-Rei (UFSJ).

André Golgher, Cedeplar/UFMG

André Braz Golgher é doutor em Demografia pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Professor de Economia na UFMG.


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How to Cite

Lameira, V., & Golgher, A. (2021). Mobility to work in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo using data from the Demographic Census of 2010. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 38, 1–27.



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