Is there a double negative effect on the wages of migrant women in Brazilian regions? A non-parametric approach
Women migrants, Wage disadvantage, Ñopo decompositionAbstract
This article seeks to verify the existence of a double negative effect on the wages of migrant women (non-natural and return) in Brazilian regions. To capture the wage differential, Ñopo's (2008) non-parametric method was applied to data obtained from the 2005 and 2015 PNADs. The results showed that only non-natural migrant women in the Southeast region suffer from double disadvantage in the employment market. The first wage inequality concerns gender issues and also occurs in other Brazilian regions. The second difference in salary is due to the condition of non-natural migrants from the Southeast region. For other regions, migrant women (non-natural and return) have a salary advantage over non-migrant women.
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