Modelling the proximate determinants of fertility for Brazil: the advent of competing preferences




Below replacement fertility, Decomposition Proximate determinants, Brazil


More than half of the world’s population lives in a country where fertility is below replacement level (MYRSKYLA; KOHLER; BILLARI, 2009). In Brazil, the total fertility rate (TFR) went down from 4.26 children per women in 1980 to 1.91 in 2010. Some internal disparities exist. We use data from the DHS from 1986, 1996 and the PNDS from 2006, the most recent survey available, to decompose and analyze fertility rates using a framework proposed by Bongaarts (2001), which is especially useful to explore and compare factors behind total fertility rates. The framework includes desired family size (DFS), unwanted fertility, sex preference, replacements for child mortality, rising age at childbearing, involuntary infertility and competing preferences. By understanding fertility components across time in Brazil, this paper illuminates how these factors vary by socio-demographic characteristics (race, religion, wealth, education, and place of residence), and how these factors combined have formed TFR throughout the years and in contexts of both high and low fertility. We found that, contrarily to what happened in the past, women in recent periods are having, in aggregate, fewer children than their ideal family sizes. However, unwanted pregnancies still explain why certain social groups have more children than desired. We also find that women with higher levels of education tend to desire more children than women with lower educational levels. Competing preferences is the main explanation for this disparity.


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Author Biographies

Raquel Zanatta Coutinho, Cedeplar/UFMG

Raquel Zanatta Coutinho é professora adjunta no Departamento de Demografia (Cedeplar) da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Possui pós-doutorado em demografia pelo Cedeplar e doutorado em Sociologia pela University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (EUA).

Andre Braz Golgher, Cedeplar

Andre Braz Golgher é professor associado do Departamento de Economia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Possui pós-doutorado em planejamento regional pela West Virginia University (EUA) e doutorado em demografia pelo Cedeplar.


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How to Cite

Coutinho, R. Z., & Golgher, A. B. (2018). Modelling the proximate determinants of fertility for Brazil: the advent of competing preferences. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 35(1), 1–28.



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