An analysis of multidimensional poverty in metropolitan areas of Brazil's Northeast


  • Lucilena Ferraz Castanheira Corrêa UFPE
  • João Policarpo Rodrigues Lima UFPE
  • Luís Henrique Romani de Campos Fundação Joaquim Nabuco


Poverty, Economic welfare, Capability, Economic inclusion, Inclusion through housing conditions


Poverty is a highly complex social phenomenon and the problematic of this stage of deprivation is formed by the aggregation of various social factors. As such, the more information incorporated into the study involving this stage of deprivation, the more accurate the diagnosis of reality. To do so, in this paper an analytical tool used is the method of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), utilizing microdata from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) of 2009, and focusing on the metropolitan areas of the Brazilian Northeast: Fortaleza, Recife and Salvador. Four dimensions of poverty were defined: capacity, economic welfare, economic inclusion and inclusion through housing conditions, for which a correlation analysis will be performed. Next, these dimensions are analyzed from the perspective of their impact over poverty. The results of this study reinforce the multidimensional features of this state of social and economic deprivation, as indicated in other research, but here based on modeling better suited to the theoretical approach.



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How to Cite

Corrêa, L. F. C., Lima, J. P. R., & Campos, L. H. R. de. (2015). An analysis of multidimensional poverty in metropolitan areas of Brazil’s Northeast. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 32(2), 313–333. Retrieved from



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