Title not available in English.


  • Elza Berquó NEPO/Unicamp e Cebrap


The aim of this work is to contribute to the present discussion on the viability of the convergence hypothesis on the transformation of the family. Will changes in family forms follow the sarne stages in all societies as industrialization and urbanization go on? The sharp fall of fertility rates, increase in life expectancy, growing participation of women in the labor market, sexual liberation, the increasingy fragility of conjugal relationships, grooving individualism, etc., are all tendencies which act to change size, structure and function of the family. A dernographic focus of all these questions is needed in order to be able to analyze the Brazilian family in the next century. This work is an attempt in this direction.


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How to Cite

Berquó, E. (1989). Title not available in English. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 6(2), 1–16. Retrieved from https://rebep.org.br/revista/article/view/554



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