Title not available in English.


  • Luiz Armando de Medeiros Frias IBGE
  • Juarez de Castro Oliveira IBGE


Levels, trends and differentials of fertility in Brazil since the thirties. This document aims to launch a new historical series of fertility estimates, using methodologies recently developed by Frias & Oliveira. The historical profile of fertility is studied for the whole Country and for the Great Geographic Regions of Brazil. The task of improving the parameters that represent the level and the age pattern of fertility has been basically carried out in two stages: first, an evaluation and the consequent adjustment of information about children that were born and those still living, as declared by the mothers, in the five Demographic Censuses, through which problems in the 1960 Census were detected; second, the recuperation of data on the live-born children, where the authors present a sufficiently additive modal to estimate this retrospective information. Some comments are also made, based of the results of the National Household Survey (PNAD) of 1984, that highlight a possible undar9stimation of the general fertility level.


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How to Cite

Frias, L. A. de M., & Oliveira, J. de C. (1991). Title not available in English. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 8(1/2), 72–111. Retrieved from https://rebep.org.br/revista/article/view/525



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