Self-identification in the 2022 Ecuadorian census: demographic dynamics and structural barriers




Indigenous population, Census, Census methodology, Self-identification, Fertility, Migration


Issues related to ethnicity have gained significant attention in Latin American agendas. In Ecuador, censuses have historically faced limitations but have evolved since 2001 to include criteria for linguistic and ethnic self-identification. A comparison between the results of the 2022 Census and previous censuses reveals a reduction in the Indigenous population in certain territories, prompting this study to analyze the potential causes of this trend. This is an exploratory, descriptive, qualitative, and quantitative research using a post-census questionnaire and semi-structured interviews in selected parishes. Significant demographic changes were observed in the indigenous population, with a decrease in the young population of productive age and an increase in older adults. The demographic transition significantly affects both the population burden and the foundations of the indigenous population. Key factors influencing population dynamics include migration and fertility rates, as well as the methodology used in censuses, which has contributed to the reduction of registered individuals. Despite this decrease, it cannot be attributed to a loss of identity; rather, the data indicate a shift in population composition. It is crucial to continue analyzing the movement of the unreported population in these areas to gather relevant and reliable information for formulating inclusive public policies.


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Author Biographies

Rosa Victoria Salinas-Castro, InnovaSocial Populations, Quito, Ecuador

Rosa Victoria Salinas-Castro es doctora en Demografía por CEDEPLAR, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brasil) y máster en Estudios Socioambientales por FLACSO (Ecuador). Antropóloga especializada en temas de interculturalidad, género, interseccionalidad, cambio climático y poblaciones indígenas, ha liderado investigaciones en América Latina sobre dinámicas demográficas, vulnerabilidad socioambiental y metodologías censales. Actualmente, trabaja en el fortalecimiento del enfoque de género en la planificación territorial y proyectos de adaptación al cambio climático.


Jorge Eduardo Garcia-Guerrero, Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos, Quito, Ecuador

Jorge Eduardo Garcia-Guerrero es Ingeniero en Administración de Empresas con estudios de post grado en Marketing Director General y Subdirector de la Oficina Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INEC) entre 2007 y 2024, además de responsable técnico y administrativo de los Censos Nacionales realizados en la Ronda 2010 y 2020 en Ecuador. Miembro fundador de la Red de Desarrollo Urbano de Tungurahua (REDUST).


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How to Cite

Salinas-Castro, R. V., & Garcia-Guerrero, J. E. (2024). Self-identification in the 2022 Ecuadorian census: demographic dynamics and structural barriers. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 41, 1–27.



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