In search of new demographic representations: the field of population grids in the era of machine learning
Population Grids, Census data, Spatial distribution of the population, Remote sensing, Symptomatic variables., Spatial modeling, Machine LearningAbstract
The population distribution on the Earth's surface reveals a variety of spatial patterns that reflect sociodemographic processes related to the historical-geographical dynamics that produced them. Population grids have gained prominence as a source of population data, involving estimates and distribution in small areas. Each population grid consists of cells of specific sizes, covering the entire globe or specific local territories. This work presents a commented literature review in the field of these population representations, specifically in the distribution and volume of the population, and the importance of spatial auxiliary variables, referred to here as symptomatic variables. These play a crucial role in building reality-based models, both locally and globally, using various methods, including Machine Learning. The main initiatives in the field, available global products, and the technical foundations of the main methodologies are also highlighted. Additionally, the paper discusses limitations, precautions, and new opportunities resulting from the creation of these population grids.
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