Motherhood and Retirement in the RGPS: How are Women with Children Affected by the Pension Reform of the Constitutional Amendment 103/2019?
Retirement, Pension system, Motherhood, Pension reform, Labor marketAbstract
This paper analyzes how retirement can be affected by motherhood, as it can affect the flow of income, contributions and benefits, using an actuarial model with contribution densities differentiated by income level. As the number of contributions varies depending on these densities, retirement age is calculated endogenously, through a set of simulations. Five pension indicators were calculated in different scenarios, given by combinations of the motherhood event, age at birth of the child, duration of absence from the labor market and salary on return to the labor market. Calculations were made for the old rule of the RGPS, which was in force until 2019 and the new rule, which came into effect in 2020, after the approval of Constitutional Amendment 103/2019. There is a decrease in the progressive aspects of RGPS old-age benefits due to the 2019 reform. There is a reduction in most indicators, particularly in the internal rate of return. However, the replacement rate may increase for some groups due to the extension of the contribution period. Childless workers and those who do not leave the labor market due to motherhood are affected in a similar way by the reform. Workers who need to leave the labor market are more affected, with a reduction in indicators that depend on the period of receiving the retirement benefit.
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