Labor incorporation of south-south migrants and their sons and daughters in Argentina: intersections of gender, generations and work
Incorporation, South south migration, Children of migrants, ArgentinaAbstract
The objective of this article is to analyze the general patterns of labor incorporation of migrants and children of south-south migrants in Argentina. Firstly, we detailed the characteristics of the labor incorporation of migrants and their children in comparison with the native population and their children. Secondly, we analyzed the forms of incorporation into the different labor segments of Argentine society. The results obtained suggest an incorporation structured by the vectors of gender and generations. The younger generations within the household (daughters and sons of both native and migrant populations) are incorporated into the most precarious segments and in a complementary way, this incorporation interacts with gender. Women who are daughters of migrant households are mostly inserted in the lower segments of the labor structure, while at the other extreme, native men are incorporated in a greater proportion in the higher segments of the labor structure.
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