Vulnerability to housing loss in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo
Displaceability, Vulnerability, Housing loss, Metropolitan Region of São PaulAbstract
The present work aims to estimate the population vulnerable to housing loss living in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (RMSP). For this purpose, we used microdata from the 2010 Demographic Census sample produced by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Microdata related to family income, species and types of households and conditions of occupation of permanent private households are selected based on theoretical and conceptual premises related to displaceability (YIFTACHEL, 2017), housing insecurity and alienation, (MADDEN; MARCUSE, 2016), permanent transience (ROLNIK, 2015), gentrification and rent gap (SMITH, 2010) and gentrification and value gap (HAMNETT; RANDOLPH, 1986 in LEES et al., 2008). The estimated displaceable population vulnerable to housing loss living in the RMSP is 3,423,265 people (2010).
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