About the Journal

A brief history


The Brazilian Journal of Population Studies (Rebep) is the official publication of the Brazilian Association of Population Studies (ABEP) and is the only journal in Brazil focused on Demography. The journal's first issue was released in print format in 1984. In 2005, Rebep reached an important milestone by being included in SciELO and becoming accessible online. In 2014, Rebep launched its website. Starting in 2016, it began accepting online article submissions. Currently, Rebep publishes papers continuously throughout the year. This ensures that approved papers are published more quickly, which helps to accelerate the dissemination of scientific knowledge produced in the journal context.





The journal aims to foster and disseminate Brazilian production in Demography, population, and sustainable development and promote interdisciplinary dialogue with related fields.



Compliance with Open Science


In line with the guidelines of Open Science, Rebep adopts several practices to ensure transparency and accessibility. This includes the policy of unrestricted access, the code of good practices for editors, and the use of social media platforms to disseminate published works. Moreover, Rebep requires that each author's contribution be precisely indicated in articles with multiple collaborators. It also encourages sharing data sets, instruments, statistical analysis scripts, protocols, and other materials for analysis. These resources should be made available in open online repositories, such as ZenodoFigshare and OSF, if they cannot be integrated directly into the work. This information should be explicitly stated in the manuscript. As a result, articles should indicate and reference the availability of the content underlying the research and the results obtained.

Rebep follows the Green Open Access model, encouraging authors to publish preprint articles on public platforms like PreprintsSciELO Preprints and EmeRI. This helps facilitate an open debate on the research work before its official publication. Depositing the article on the preprint platform before publication in Rebep is an option for the authors. In the case of publishing a preprint in Rebep, as well as material from monographs, dissertations, theses and papers presented and made available in the proceedings of scientific events, it is necessary to add the following indication to the footer of the manuscript: "This work comprises the revised and expanded version of the preliminary study "[title]", available at: [link]".

Rebep follows Open Science practices and provides authors and reviewers with the option of transparent peer review. The process can be carried out with or without the identification of names. Authors can grant permission for the disclosure of their names at the time of submitting the article. Reviewers can do so while filling out the Compliance with Open Science Evaluation Form.

In the case of publication of the reviews that supported the decision to publish the article, these can be edited by the journal's editorial board.



Ethics in Publishing


Rebep is committed to following good practices with regard to ethical conduct related to scientific journal publishing, based on the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) code of conduct. It is the responsibility of the editors and editorial team to reject any form of unethical behavior, including plagiarism in any instance. Authors who submit articles to the journal declare that the content is original and assure that the work has not been published or is in the process of being reviewed/evaluated in any other journal. We strive for ethics and quality in publication and encourage ethical behavior among all parties involved, including authors, editors, editorial staff, manuscript editing service providers, and reviewers.



Focus and Scope


The Brazilian Journal of Population Studies (Rebep) is the only national journal focused exclusively on population issues. Since its creation, its primary objective has been to stimulate and disseminate Brazilian and international production in the field of Demography and Population and Sustainable Development, ensuring dialog between this field and related areas. The journal publishes papers in Portuguese, English and/or Spanish.



Digital Preservation


This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Program's Digital Preservation Policy.



Sources of indexation




  •  Journal title: Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População
  •  Short title: Rev. bras. estud. popul.
  •  Published by: Brazilian Association of Population Studies
  •  Frequency: Annual
  •  Type of publication: Continuous publication
  •  Year the journal was created: 1984


Websites and Social Media




Editorial Policy




Rebep follows the Green Open Access model, encouraging the publication of preprint articles on public platforms such as PreprintsSciELO Preprints and EmeRI. This allows for open discussion before official publication.



Peer review process


Rebep's evaluation procedure comprises three phases: 1) Preliminary analysis by the editors and editorial assistant to check adherence to the general instructions set out in the editorial policy; 2) Similarity check on all documents submitted via the iThenticate platform; 3) Preliminary review by the editors to ensure alignment with the focus and scope of the journal, as well as the relevance and contribution of the text. The names of the editors responsible for this preliminary assessment will be disclosed in the article's final version.

In line with Open Science communication practices, Rebep's editorial practice is to open up the peer review process in agreement with the referees and authors.

Authors can choose whether they agree with the publication of the manuscript approval reviews and whether they agree to interact directly with the reviewers responsible for evaluating their work.

The reviewers can recommend one of four options by writing an opinion using the provided form:

  •  Acceptance without further revision;
  •  Resubmission with minor revision;
  •  Resubmission with major revision;
  •  Rejection

If the manuscript is approved for publication, the review will be published with the article on the journal's platform, contingent upon the evaluator's consent.



Open data


Rebep encourages openly sharing datasets, instruments, statistical analysis scripts, protocols and other relevant materials. These resources should be made available in open online repositories, such as ZenodoFigshare and OSF. If the resources cannot be integrated directly into the work, the manuscript should explicitly state their availability. This allows for easy evaluation of the manuscript and contributes to the preservation and reusability of the contents, thereby promoting the reproducibility of the research. Exceptions to this rule are allowed in cases of legal and ethical issues. The aim is to facilitate the evaluation of the manuscript and, if approved, to contribute to the preservation and reuse of content and the reproducibility of research.



Collection of Fees


Rebep does not impose any fees (APC) for published texts, nor does it charge for texts submitted for evaluation, review, publication, distribution or download. The publication is entirely free and open access. Financial support comes from the Brazilian Association of Population Studies and primarily, from the Carlos Chagas Foundation (FCC).



Ethics and Misconduct Policy, Errata and Retraction


Rebep is committed to preserving the integrity of the literature. As necessary, it publishes Errata, Expressions of Concern, or Notices of Retraction following the Retraction Guidelines of COPE. The retraction process follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Retraction Guidelines, which are available at COPE - Retraction Guidelines.



Policy on Conflict of Interest


Conflicts of interest should be communicated not only by the authors, but also by everyone involved in the editorial process of a manuscript. Editors should avoid making decisions on manuscripts that conflict with their own interests, such as those submitted by authors from their department or research collaborators. Considering the possibility of conflicts of interest, the journal does not publish articles written by the journal's own editors. Reviewers should consider any form of conflict of interest before evaluating the manuscript. They should consider their working relationships with the author (e.g., participated in a research project or have ongoing or past scientific collaboration with the author's research groups; mentoring or having mentored the author; have any financial interest in the project related to the manuscript). The Conflict of Interest statement must be filled in on the Complementary submission information form.



Adoption of similarity check software


As part of its initiatives aimed at promoting academic integrity and preventing plagiarism in its publications, Rebep uses the iThenticate platform to check the submitted works. Rebep's policy considers similarities not concentrated in entire sections of the work acceptable, but each case is analyzed in detail. The work is returned to the authors for revision if excessive similarity is detected. Only after the similarity check the text passes on to the reviewers for evaluation.



Sex and Gender Issues


The editorial team and authors of Rebep must always comply with the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER). These guidelines provide recommendations for reporting information on sex and gender in the study design, data and results analyses, and interpretation of findings. Additionally, Rebep follows a gender equity policy in the composition of its editorial team.



Ethics Committee


When preparing a research article that involves procedures with human participants or sensitive data as per the LGPD (General Data Protection Law), the authors must attach a statement of approval from the Ethics Committee of the institution responsible for endorsing the conduct of the research.





The authors of articles published by Rebep hold the copyright to their respective works and license them under the Creative Commons Attribution license. This license permits the reuse and distribution of the articles without restrictions, provided the original work is accurately cited.



Intellectual property and terms of use


Responsibility of the site:

  •  The publication reserves the right to make normative, orthographic and grammatical changes to the originals in order to maintain the cultured standard of the language, while respecting the authors' style.

Authors' responsibility:

  •  The authors retain full rights over their works published in Rebep. Any reprint, deposit, or republication needs to indicate the first publication in the journal, following the terms of the CC-BY license;
  •  It is necessary to indicate the original publication source;
  •  The opinions expressed by the authors of the articles are their sole responsibility;
  •  Rebep encourages authors to publish their manuscripts on personal blogs, institutional repositories and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, as long as the full citation to the journal's website version is included.


Sponsors and Funding Agencies


Brazilian Association of Population Studies (ABEP)

Carlos Chagas Foundation (FCC)



Previous Editorial Committees



Volume 39

Angelita Alves de Carvalho

Carlos de Almeida Prado Bacellar

Cláudia Cristina de Aguiar Pereira

Claudio A. Mora-Garcia

Douglas Sathler

Enrique Pelaez

Flávio Henrique Miranda de Araújo Freire

Gabriel Mendes Borges

Glaucia dos Santos Marcondes

Igor Cavallini Johansen

José Irineu Rangel Rigotti

Letícia Marteleto

Marcia Caldas de Castro

Marcos Roberto Gonzaga

Mary Arends-Kuenning

Paulo Saad

Raquel Zanatta Coutinho

Roberto Nascimento Rodrigues

Tirza Aidar

Vitor Miranda



Volume 38

Angelita Alves de Carvalho

Carlos de Almeida Prado Bacellar

Cláudia Cristina de Aguiar Pereira

Claudio A. Mora-Garcia

Douglas Sathler

Enrique Pelaez

Flávio Henrique Miranda de Araújo Freire

Gabriel Mendes Borges

Glaucia dos Santos Marcondes

Igor Cavallini Johansen

José Irineu Rangel Rigotti

Letícia Marteleto

Marcia Caldas de Castro

Marcos Roberto Gonzaga

Mary Arends-Kuenning

Paulo Saad

Raquel Zanatta Coutinho

Roberto Nascimento Rodrigues

Tirza Aidar

Vitor Miranda



Volume 37

Ana Maria Hermeto Camilo Oliveira

Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro

Carlos de Almeida Prado Bacellar

Carlos Eugênio de Carvalho Ferreira

Enrique Pelaez

Flávio Henrique Miranda de Araújo Freire

Gabriel Mendes Borges

Gilvan Ramalho Guedes

Joice Melo Vieira

Jorge Rodriguez

Joseph E. Potter

Massimo Livi Bacci

Márcia Caldas de Castro

Mary Arends-Kuenning

Paula Miranda-Ribeiro

Rosana Baeninger

Simone Wajnman

Suzana Cavenaghi



Volume 36

Ana Maria Hermeto Camilo Oliveira

Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro

Carlos de Almeida Prado Bacellar

Carlos Eugênio de Carvalho Ferreira

Enrique Pelaez

Flávio Henrique Miranda de Araújo Freire

Gabriel Mendes Borges

Gilvan Ramalho Guedes

Joice Melo Vieira

Jorge Rodriguez

Joseph E. Potter

Massimo Livi Bacci

Márcia Caldas de Castro

Mary Arends-Kuenning

Paula Miranda-Ribeiro

Rosana Baeninger

Simone Wajnman

Suzana Cavenaghi



Volume 35, Nº 3

Ana Maria Hermeto Camilo Oliveira

Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro

Carlos de Almeida Prado Bacellar

Carlos Eugênio de Carvalho Ferreira

Enrique Pelaez

Flávio Henrique Miranda de Araújo Freire

Gabriel Mendes Borges

Gilvan Ramalho Guedes

Joice Melo Vieira

Jorge Rodriguez

Joseph E. Potter

Massimo Livi Bacci

Márcia Caldas de Castro

Mary Arends-Kuenning

Paula Miranda-Ribeiro

Rosana Baeninger

Simone Wajnman

Suzana Cavenaghi



Volume 35, Nº 2

Simone Wajnman

Gilvan Ramalho Guedes

Ana Maria Nogales Vasconcelos

Antonio Miguel Vieira Monteiro

Carlos Eugenio de Carvalho Ferreira

Carlos Javier Echarri Cánovas

Flavia Cristina Drummond de Andrade

Flávio Henrique Miranda de Araújo Freire

Jair Licio Ferreira Santos

Joice Melo Vieira

Jorge Rodriguez

Massimo Livi Bacci

Rosana Baeninger

Sérgio Odilon Nadalin

Suzana Cavenaghi



Volume 35, Nº 1

Simone Wajnman

Gilvan Ramalho Guedes

Ana Maria Nogales Vasconcelos

Antonio Miguel Vieira Monteiro

Carlos Eugenio de Carvalho Ferreira

Carlos Javier Echarri Cánovas

Flavia Cristina Drummond de Andrade

Flávio Henrique Miranda de Araújo Freire

Jair Licio Ferreira Santos

Joice Melo Vieira

Jorge Rodriguez

Massimo Livi Bacci

Rosana Baeninger

Sérgio Odilon Nadalin

Suzana Cavenaghi



Volume 34, Nº 3

Simone Wajnman

Gilvan Ramalho Guedes

Ana Maria Nogales Vasconcelos

Antonio Miguel Vieira Monteiro

Carlos Eugenio de Carvalho Ferreira

Carlos Javier Echarri Cánovas

Flavia Cristina Drummond de Andrade

Flávio Henrique Miranda de Araújo Freire

Jair Licio Ferreira Santos

Joice Melo Vieira

Jorge Rodriguez

Massimo Livi Bacci

Rosana Baeninger

Sérgio Odilon Nadalin

Suzana Cavenaghi



Volume 34, Nº 2

Simone Wajnman

Gilvan Ramalho Guedes

Ana Maria Nogales Vasconcelos

Antonio Miguel Vieira Monteiro

Carlos Eugenio de Carvalho Ferreira

Carlos Javier Echarri Cánovas

Flavia Cristina Drummond de Andrade

Flávio Henrique Miranda de Araújo Freire

Jair Licio Ferreira Santos

Joice Melo Vieira

Jorge Rodriguez

Massimo Livi Bacci

Rosana Baeninger

Sérgio Odilon Nadalin

Suzana Cavenaghi



Volume 34, Nº 1

Simone Wajnman

Gilvan Ramalho Guedes

Ana Maria Nogales Vasconcelos

Antonio Miguel Vieira Monteiro

Carlos Eugenio de Carvalho Ferreira

Carlos Javier Echarri Cánovas

Flavia Cristina Drummond de Andrade

Flávio Henrique Miranda de Araújo Freire

Jair Licio Ferreira Santos

Joice Melo Vieira

Jorge Rodriguez

Massimo Livi Bacci

Rosana Baeninger

Sérgio Odilon Nadalin

Suzana Cavenaghi



Volume 33, Nº 3

Alisson Barbieri

Carl Schmertmann

Douglas Sathler

Elisabete Dória Bilac

Jair Licio Ferreira Santos

Jorge Rodriguez

Lara Andrade

Marcela Cerrutti

Massimo Livi Bacci

Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi

Ricardo Ventura

Simone Wajnman

Sérgio Odilon Nadalin

Suzana Cavenaghi



Volume 33, Nº 2

Alisson Barbieri

Carl Schmertmann

Douglas Sathler

Elisabete Dória Bilac

Jair Licio Ferreira Santos

Jorge Rodriguez

Lara Andrade

Marcela Cerrutti

Massimo Livi Bacci

Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi

Ricardo Ventura

Simone Wajnman

Sérgio Odilon Nadalin

Suzana Cavenaghi



Volume 33, Nº 1

Alisson Barbieri

Carl Schmertmann

Douglas Sathler

Elisabete Dória Bilac

Jair Licio Ferreira Santos

Jorge Rodriguez

Lara Andrade

Marcela Cerrutti

Massimo Livi Bacci

Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi

Ricardo Ventura

Simone Wajnman

Sérgio Odilon Nadalin

Suzana Cavenaghi



Volume 32, Nº 3

Alisson Barbieri

Carl Schmertmann

Douglas Sathler

Elisabete Dória Bilac

Jair Licio Ferreira Santos

Jorge Rodriguez

Lara Andrade

Marcela Cerrutti

Massimo Livi Bacci

Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi

Ricardo Ventura

Simone Wajnman

Sérgio Odilon Nadalin

Suzana Cavenaghi



Volume 32, Nº 2

Alisson Barbieri

Carl Schmertmann

Douglas Sathler

Elisabete Dória Bilac

Jair Licio Ferreira Santos

Jorge Rodriguez

Lara Andrade

Marcela Cerrutti

Massimo Livi Bacci

Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi

Ricardo Ventura

Simone Wajnman

Sérgio Odilon Nadalin

Suzana Cavenaghi



Volume 32, Nº 1

Alisson Barbieri

Carl Schmertmann

Douglas Sathler

Elisabete Dória Bilac

Jair Licio Ferreira Santos

Jorge Rodriguez

Lara Andrade

Marcela Cerrutti

Massimo Livi Bacci

Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi

Ricardo Ventura

Simone Wajnman

Sérgio Odilon Nadalin

Suzana Cavenaghi



Volume 31, Nº 2

Alisson Barbieri

Brigida Garcia

Carl Schmertmann

Dora Celton

Elizabete Dória Bilac

Marcia Caldas de Castro

Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi

Ricardo Ventura



Volume 31, Nº 1

Alisson Barbieri

Brigida Garcia

Carl Schmertmann

Dora Celton

Elizabete Dória Bilac

Marcia Caldas de Castro

Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi

Ricardo Ventura



Volume 30 - suplemento

Alisson Barbieri

Brigida Garcia

Carl Schmertmann

Dora Celton

Elizabete Dória Bilac

Marcia Caldas de Castro

Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi

Ricardo Ventura



Volume 30, Nº 2

Alisson Barbieri

Brigida Garcia

Carl Schmertmann

Dora Celton

Elizabete Dória Bilac

Marcia Caldas de Castro

Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi

Ricardo Ventura



Volume 30, Nº 1

Alisson Barbieri

Brigida Garcia

Carl Schmertmann

Dora Celton

Elizabete Dória Bilac

Marcia Caldas de Castro

Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi

Ricardo Ventura



Volume 29, Nº 2

Ana Silvia Volpi Scott

Guaraci Adeodato Alves de Souza

Luiz Antonio Pinto de Oliveira

Marcia Caldas de Castro

Morvan de Melo Moreira

Neeru Gupta

Roberto Nascimento Rodrigues

Rosana Baeninger



Volume 29, Nº 1

Ana Silvia Volpi Scott

Guaraci Adeodato Alves de Souza

Luiz Antonio Pinto de Oliveira

Marcia Caldas de Castro

Morvan de Melo Moreira

Neeru Gupta

Roberto Nascimento Rodrigues

Rosana Baeninger



Volume 28, Nº 2

Ana Silvia Volpi Scott

Guaraci Adeodato

Luis Antonio Pinto de Oliveira

Márcia Caldas

Morvan de Mello Moreira

Neeru Gupta

Roberto Nascimento Rodrigues

Rosana Baeninger



Volume 28, Nº 1

Ana Silvia Volpi Scott

Guaraci Adeodato

Luis Antonio Pinto de Oliveira

Márcia Caldas

Morvan de Mello Moreira

Neeru Gupta

Roberto Nascimento Rodrigues

Rosana Baeninger



Volume 27, Nº 2

Ana Silvia Volpi Scott

Guaraci Adeodato

Luis Antonio Pinto de Oliveira

Márcia Caldas

Morvan de Mello Moreira

Neeru Gupta

Roberto Nascimento Rodrigues

Rosana Baeninger



Volume 27, Nº 1

Ana Silvia Volpi Scott

Guaraci Adeodato

Luis Antonio Pinto de Oliveira

Márcia Caldas

Morvan de Mello Moreira

Neeru Gupta

Roberto Nascimento Rodrigues

Rosana Baeninger



Volume 26, Nº 2

Ana Silvia Volpi Scott

Guaraci Adeodato

Luis Antonio Pinto de Oliveira

Márcia Caldas

Morvan de Mello Moreira

Neeru Gupta

Roberto Nascimento Rodrigues

Rosana Baeninger



Volume 26, Nº 1

Ana Silvia Volpi Scott

Guaraci Adeodato

Luis Antonio Pinto de Oliveira

Márcia Caldas

Morvan de Mello Moreira

Neeru Gupta

Roberto Nascimento Rodrigues

Rosana Baeninger



Volume 25, Nº 1

Celso Cardoso da Silva Simões

José Eustáquio Diniz Alves

José Miguel Guzman Molina

Morvan de Mello Moreira

Paulo Murad Saad

Rosana Baeninger